Speech – 2014 celebration event of Music: Count Us In
Senator Scott Ryan represented the Australian Government while speaking at the 2014 celebration event of Music: Count Us In.
Take note of answers: Fuel excise
Senator Scott Ryan spoke about the unsustainable budget position the Coalition inherited from the previous Labor government.
Speech – JCI Australia’s National Convention Gala Dinner
Senator Scott Ryan spoke on behalf of the Australian Government at JCI Australia’s National Convention Gala Dinner.
Speech – Launch of the CanTeen Online Support Platform
Senator Scott Ryan represented the Australian Government while officially opening the CanTeen Online Support Platform.
Speech – Africa Australia Association’s Third International Forum
Senator Scott Ryan spoke on behalf of the Australian Government at the Africa Australia Association’s Third International Forum.
Speech – Opening of the Integrated Technology Hub at Box Hill Institute
Senator Scott Ryan spoke on behalf of the Australian Government while officially opening the Integrated Technology Hub at Box Hill Institute.
Speech – Launch of the 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner
Senator Scott Ryan represented the Australian Government in officially launching the 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner at the University of Melbourne.
Speech – Australian Council for Educational Leaders 2014 National Conference
Senator Scott Ryan spoke on behalf of the Australian Government at the Australian Council for Educational Leaders 2014 National Conference.
Speech – National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Showcase & Networking Event
Senator Scott Ryan addressed the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Showcase & Networking Event in Canberra
Take note of answers: Indigenous affairs
Senator Scott Ryan delivered the speech in the Senate on the Australian Government’s commitment to Indigenous communities.