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Welcome to Parliament House.

These walls usually echo with the sound of speeches and debates, and occasionally raised voices and misbehaviour.

But very soon, the more pleasant sound of singing voices will ring out as all of you sitting here join students around the country to sing Paint You a Song.

Paint You a Song has been written and produced to celebrate music today.

I congratulate the songwriters, the vocalists and the instrumentalists who have worked hard to put together this year’s song.

I would like to single out Emily Claxton, Angus Gil, Kaelyn Girao, Winona Kennedy and Nathan Wendt, who were chosen from schools around Australia to create Paint You a Song.

I would also like to single out the performers from Newtown Performing Arts High School in Sydney, for the musical accompaniment.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the mentors, programme organisers and coordinators for putting together the biggest celebration of music in Australian schools.

Music is an important part of every student’s education and has an impact on student development and wellbeing.

Research indicates that music education is associated with improvements in literacy, numeracy, school attendance and confidence.

Importantly, music helps bring people together and lifts our mood.

Today, the internet will be a big part of the Music: Count Us In celebrations.

The evolution of online music and music education has been rapid.

Students and teachers now have the opportunity to share music and resources with like-minded people all over the world.

Music is also being used to enhance other areas of learning.

For example, online literacy and numeracy programmes now incorporate music to help primary school students engage with their learning.

Students and teachers around the country have spent hours rehearsing today’s song.

And I am pleased I could be here to listen to the result of all that practice at Australia’s biggest music celebration for school students.

I look forward to hearing Paint You a Song in just a few minutes.
