Apr 6, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Transcripts
Topics: Polls, Government narrative, Budget, Panama Papers, tax policy, paid parental leave. E&OE… RAF EPSTEIN Joining me in the studio for Fight Club is Tim Watts, the Labor Member for the seat of Gellibrand. Tim thanks for coming into the studio. TIM...
Apr 4, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Transcripts
Subjects: COAG, tax reform, the Hon Kevin Andrews MP, same-sex marriage, VET, VET FEE-HELP. E&OE… PATRICIA KARVELAS What might have been a period of down time in Federal politics has come alive, with reverberations from the Prime Minister’s tax defeated at COAG...
Apr 4, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Transcripts
SUBJECT/S: TAFE; VET FEE-HELP E&OE… GARY ADSHEAD You may have been following some of the issues around vocational training providers, places where you pay a fee to get a vocational training certificate in some area. There’s been some scandal around some of them...
Apr 4, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Media Releases
Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Senator the Hon Scott Ryan will today be convening the first in a series of national consultations, to work towards the Coalition Government’s promised redesign of Labor’s flawed VET FEE-HELP scheme. The...
Apr 1, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Media Releases
Further strengthening Australia’s VET system Commonwealth, state, and territory skills ministers met in Sydney today to discuss vocational education and training (VET). Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Senator the Hon Scott Ryan chaired today’s...
Apr 1, 2016 | Homepage, Media, Transcripts
774 ABC Melbourne, Mornings with Jon Faine Topics: federation, COAG, tax reform, vocational education and training. E&OE… JON FAINE Although I hear utterances coming from the premiers’ conference and the meeting with the Prime Minister suggests that...