Speech – Opening of the Green Chemical Futures Building at Monash University
Senator Ryan officially opened the Green Chemical Futures Building at Monash University, Clayton Campus.
Speech – Opening of the 2015 National Schools Constitutional Convention
Senator Ryan officially opened the 2015 National Schools Constitutional Convention at Old Parliament House in Canberra.
Condolences – Rt Hon. John Malcolm Fraser, AC, CH
Senator Ryan spoke on the condolence motion for former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser
Speech – Australian Workplace Practitioners’ Network National Conference 2015
Senator Scott Ryan addressed the Australian Workplace Practitioners’ Network National Conference 2015 in Melbourne.
Speech – Succession to the Crown Bill (Second Reading)
Senator Scott Ryan delivered a speech in the Senate on the Succession to the Crown Bill.
Speech – Launch of the Australian Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) Australian Retail Liquor Market Insights Report
Senator Scott Ryan launched the Australian Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) Australian Retail Liquor Market Insights Report in Canberra.
Speech – ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards
Senator Scott Ryan congratulated recipients of National Excellence in Teaching Awards and outlined the Government’s approach to improving teacher standards.
Speech – Science of Learning Research Classroom, University of Melbourne
Senator Scott Ryan launched the Science of Learning Research Classroom at the University of Melbourne.
Take note of answers: East West Link
Senator RYAN (Victoria—Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education) (15:10): I move: That the Senate take note of the answer given by the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Senator Cash, to a question without...
Speech – 2015 Young Australian of the Year Award Finalists’ Afternoon Tea
Senator the Hon Scott Ryan addressed the finalists for the 2015 Young Australian of the Year Award at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra