Speech – Australian Council for Private Education and Training’s (ACPET) 2015 Asia Pacific International Education Forum – Welcome Address
Senator Ryan gave the Welcome Address at the Australian Council for Private Education and Training’s (ACPET) 2015 Asia Pacific International Education Forum in Melbourne.
Speech – Students First School Autonomy Forum
Senator Ryan officially opened the Government’s Students First School Autonomy Forum at Parliament House in Canberra.
Speech – 2015 WorldSkills Australia Skillaroos Farewell Dinner, TAFE New South Wales, Sydney Institute Ultimo College
Senator Scott Ryan farewelled the Australian Skillaroos in Sydney as they prepared to head to Brazil and represent Australia at the 43rd WorldSkills International competition.
Speech – Opening of Swinburne University of Technology’s Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre and the SRC Centre in Biodevices, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn
Senator Ryan officially opened the Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre and the SRC Centre in Biodevices at Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorn, Victoria.
Speech – Australian Open Research Data Showcase, Hyatt Hotel Canberra
Senator Ryan spoke at the Australian Open Research Data Showcase in Canberra.
Remarks – Magna Carta Education Resource Launch, Red Hill Primary School
Senator Ryan spoke at the launch of the Magna Carta Education Resource Launch at Red Hill Primary School in Canberra.
Speech – BHP Billiton Foundation and Australian Mathematical Science Institute launch of the Choose Maths programme – Melbourne University
Senator Ryan spoke at the launch of the BHP Billiton Foundation and Australian Mathematical Science Institute’s Choose Maths programme at Melbourne University.
Speech – 2015 Chinese Culture Day and Launch of the Confucius Classroom – Charles La Trobe College
Senator Ryan launched the Confucius Classroom at Charles La Trobe College and attended the 2015 Chinese Culture Day.
Speech – Keilor Historical Society & City of Brimbank ANZAC Commemorative Service
Senator Ryan spoke at the Keilor Historical Society and City of Brimbank ANZAC Commemorative Service in Keilor.
Speech – 2015 National Youth Awards
Senator Ryan presented the 2015 National Youth Awards in Brisbane.