Matter of Public Importance – Budget
Senator Ryan speaks in the Senate on a Matter of Public Importance regarding the governments inability to deliver a budget surplus; August 18, 2011
Finance and Public Administration References Committee – Tabling of PBS Report
Senator Ryan speaks in the Senate on the tabling of the PBS report; August 17 2011
Electoral Matters Committee Speech
Senator Ryan speaks in the Senate about electoral reform; July 7 2011
Matter of Public Interest – Israel
Senator Ryan speaks in the Senate about the damage of the BDS boycott; July 6 2011
Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Senator Ryan speaks on the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 in committee; 12 May 2011
Questions without notice: Take note of answers – Budget
Senator Scott Ryan speaks on the Budget; 11 May 2011
Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Enrolment and Prisoner Voting) Bill 2010
Senator Ryan speaks in the second reading debate of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Enrolment and Prisoner Voting) Bill 2010;
Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Provisional Voting) Bill 2011
Senator Ryan speaks on the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Provisional Voting) Bill 2011 in committee; 11 May 2011
Questions without notice: Take note of answers – Carbon Pricing
Senator Ryan speaks on carbon pricing in the take note of answers debate; 22 March 2011
Tax Laws Amendment (Temporary Flood and Cyclone Reconstruction Levy) Bill 2011
Senator Ryan debates the flood levy bills in the Senate; Monday, 21 March 2011