Clean Energy Finance Corporation Bill 2012 – Second Reading Speech
Senator Scott Ryan criticised the Government for bowing to the Greens and creating the flawed Clean Energy Finance Corporation at the expense of future Autsralian taxpayers.
Take notice of answers – carbon tax
Senator Scott Ryan delivered a speech on the folly of the Government’s carbon tax, calling it a reverse tariff and noting it will ‘unlevel’ the playing field for industry.
Take note of answers – media
Senator Scott Ryan advocated free speech, saying the greatest threat to freedom of speech and expression has always been the power of the state.
Health Insurance (Dental Services) Bill 2012 – Second Reading Speech
Senator Scott Ryan advocated the need for the continuation of the Chronic Disease Dental Scheme.
Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Maintaining Address) Bill 2011, Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Protecting Elector Participation) Bill 2012 – Second Reading Speech
Senator Scott Ryan has serious concerns about the integrity of the electoral roll following the introduction of automatic enrolment pushed through by Labor and the Greens.
Take Note of Answers – Budget 2012-13
Here we have it again: another year, another increase in borrowings; another year, yet more put on the national credit card.
Appropriation Bill No.3 and No. 4 2011-12 – Second Reading Speech
Senator Scott Ryan outlined some of the Government’s serious economic deficiencies in his speech on Appropriation Bills 3 and 4.
Matter of Public Interest – Small Business
Senator Scott Ryan drew attention to uncomfortable facts about the government’s conducts during its war on the small business community in Australia.
Second Reading – Mining Resources Rent Tax
Senator Scott Ryan spoke in the Senate about the mining resources rent tax, which the Coalition would repeal if it gets into government.
Private health insurance rebate bills – Reference to Committee
Senator Scott Ryan argued against Labor’s attack on the private health insurance rebate.