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Thank you, James, for your introduction.

The Minister for Education the Hon Christopher Pyne MP sends his apologies for not being here, and as a strong supporter of the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships, passes on his congratulations to the recipients here tonight.

I would like to acknowledge:

  • Members of Parliament, Senators
  • Ambassadors, High Commissioners and diplomatic representatives
  • Representatives from Australian universities and industry stakeholders
  • Endeavour recipients for 2015
  • Ladies and gentlemen

My particular thanks to those who travelled from across Australia to be with us tonight.

It is my great pleasure to have the opportunity to formally congratulate the Australian recipients of the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships for 2015.

Tonight we’re here to celebrate the achievements of 32 Australians who are being recognised for their outstanding academic accomplishments with an Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship or Endeavour Research Fellowship for Indigenous Australians. We are also honouring the recipient of the prestigious Endeavour Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.

I am proud to say that since its inception in 2003, the Endeavour programme has supported more than 880 Australians and 3,300 international recipients to undertake research, study or professional development programmes around the world.

Last month Minister Pyne was pleased to announce another 682 high calibre Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships recipients who will be undertaking their Endeavour programme in 2015.

Of these 682 recipients, 154 are Australians and 528 are citizens of other countries. They have been offered a scholarship or fellowship based on merit, competing against a strong field of excellent candidates.

The recipients now have an opportunity to develop their personal and professional links throughout the world – links that will broaden their engagement socially, culturally and intellectually.

I would first like to acknowledge Dr Felicity Brown’s achievement in being awarded the prestigious Endeavour Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship which will support her research at the Harvard School of Public Health into ways to improve the mental health of individuals facing hardship.

Four Indigenous Australians will also be developing collaborative links between their Australian institutions and their hosts in New Zealand, the UK and Canada when they undertake their 2015 Endeavour Research Fellowship.

Ms Yolanda Adams, Ms Tamara Butler, Mr Stewart Sutherland and Dr Ray Lovett – Dr Lovett will be addressing you later – will be undertaking research in justice and law enforcement, behavioural science, indigenous studies and epidemiology.

I’d like to acknowledge your achievements thus far and congratulate you for your spirit of enquiry and the foresight that is leading you overseas to extend your studies and yourselves.

We will shortly see the depth of academic talent represented by the recipients of the Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship, undertaking research in countries all over the world, from India to the USA and from the Philippines to the United Kingdom.

The areas of study and research being undertaken are diverse, often addressing issues of regional or global significance. They range from managing environmental risks to using 3D print technologies that could make the need for organ donation obsolete, to enhancing our understanding of Burma’s emerging democracy.

The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships were introduced over a decade ago by the Howard government. The Abbott Government continues to support this programme. It not only provides invaluable educational opportunities for some of our best and brightest, but it is also plays a valuable role in developing and sustaining important research links between institutions in Australia and internationally.

It is an investment in Australia’s future.

Overseas study, research and work experience strengthens people-to-people links and promotes ongoing connections between Australia and the world. The Australian Government is deeply committed to encouraging these connections and recognises the benefits that flow from building on the already globally aware and engaged Australian research community.

While the Endeavour programme supports postgraduate and postdoctoral students, I also wish to highlight the Government’s signature initiative that complements the Endeavour programme – the New Colombo Plan.

The New Colombo Plan, which supports overseas study and work experience for Australian undergraduates, aims to deepen Australia’s relationships, both at the individual level and through expanding university, business and stakeholder links in the Indo-Pacific.

Just yesterday the Hon Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Minister Pyne announced the outcomes of the New Colombo Plan’s 2015 Scholarship round, which will support 69 Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the Indo-Pacific. This is in addition to more than 3000 students who will be supported in 2015 by New Colombo Plan mobility grants.

The strong connection that develops between students and host countries provides students and researchers an opportunity to understand and directly experience the benefit of engagement with other cultures, languages and education systems.

The Government encourages global engagement of our tertiary sector because we know it is integral to the future of Australian education. It encourages Australian institutions and governments to develop strong and diverse international partnerships. Minister Pyne has committed to a National Strategy for International Education. This will provide a framework for coordination and leadership for Australia’s international education and research engagement on all levels.

The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships will provide the basis for ongoing international research collaboration, with benefits both to Australia and our partner countries.

Research involving collaboration between teams in more than one country has been found to be more productive than when it is conducted in a single country.

Over 35 per cent of science research articles are the result of international collaborations. The number of internationally co-authored papers has more than doubled since 1990. The Endeavour Scholarship and Fellowship recipients here tonight will not only undertake their own research but lay the ground for future research collaboration between Australia and other countries.

Fostering sound research and science links also promotes Australia as a high quality and highly sought-after study and research destination.

The Government’s focus is not only on strengthening engagement with existing education and research partners, but also on our emerging partnerships in regions such as Latin America. The Government has recently established an Education and Science Counsellor in Brazil to build closer research and science linkages with Latin America and to promote Australia as an education destination of choice.

We know that supporting our multilateral partnerships will enhance the reputation and identity of Australia as a high quality education and research partner.

This Government is committed to ensuring that Australia’s universities and research programmes are strong and competitive in the global market.

The Government will invest $11 billion over four years in research in Australian universities, including $139 million for the Future Fellowships scheme and $150 million in 2015-16 to continue the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

The Government is also committed to capitalising on the great research taking place across Australia.

Minister Pyne and the Minister for Industry, the Hon Ian Macfarlane MP, have been consulting with the research sector and with industry on a plan to boost the commercial returns from research. They are now considering the outcomes of that consultation and will develop measures to strengthen the mechanisms for leveraging off the research excellence in this country.

Our talented recipients, whom we honour here tonight, have a unique opportunity to work with global leaders in their fields and develop personal links and professional networks that will stay with them throughout their careers.

Your Endeavour scholarship or fellowship will put you at the very centre of Australia’s global future and enable you to bring the positive benefits of your collaborations and the knowledge gained through your international study experience back home to build your career and enhance your communities.

I encourage you all to join me in celebrating the successes of these outstanding Australians and those of future recipients. On behalf of the Australian Government, I congratulate you on receiving your Endeavour scholarship or fellowship and wish you all the best for the exciting and challenging year ahead of you. 
