Librarians party on taxpayers’ largesse

Shedding their quiet, bookish image, librarians have proved they know how to party, and not just with a cup of tea and a scotch finger. Canberra’s National Library of Australia racked up a hospitality and entertainment bill close to $100,000 in the 2010-2011 financial...

Billion dollar loss in Laverton

 The  passing of the carbon tax legislation through the Senate is expected to cost a major local business a $1 billion project, threaten local jobs and lead to increased carbon dioxide emissions. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has betrayed not only the Australian voters...

$300,000 for a $10 picture

The taxpayers are yet again the losers after the Government commissioned four design agencies, at a cost of almost $300,000, to design a website that is fronted by a $10 stock image. The Enterprise Connect website, which is under the management of Minister for Small...

Leaving small business on their own

Minister for Small Business Senator Nick Sherry has shown how out of touch he is with the challenges of running a small business saying business owners will have to figure out for themselves how to deal with price hikes brought about by the carbon tax. Minister Sherry...

No grip on spending

  The Government has lost control of the bureaucracy, with tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayers’ funds being wasted on costly testing.A straightforward request for a chair mat, to protect the carpet in Senator Scott Ryan’s electorate office from wear and tear,...