Oct 8, 2009 | News Clippings
The Reserve Bank is lifting interest rates mainly because China’s stunning economic rebound is set to fuel Australian mining investment and exports. And house prices are bubbling up. That sits uneasily with official interest rates at 50-year lows designed for the...
Sep 29, 2009 | News Clippings
The Reserve Bank is set to lift its growth forecasts again within weeks, as evidence increases that the global economy is recovering faster than expected. Only weeks after the Reserve last upgraded its forecasts, its governor, Glenn Stevens, told the Senate economics...
Sep 6, 2009 | News Clippings
New evidence has emerged that the Government’s stimulus-package spending is heavily weighted towards Labor marginal seats, sparking allegations of election pork-barrelling. Claims the stimulus is being used to get Kevin Rudd re-elected co-incide with Government...
Sep 6, 2009 | News Clippings
The developing trouble with the Government’s economic stimulus package is it’s pulling in two different directions at once: one economic, the other political. There is no argument the injection of emergency taxpayer funding into the economy in the face of...
Sep 6, 2009 | News Clippings
The developing trouble with the government’s economic stimulus package is that it is now pulling in two different directions at once; one economic, the other political. There is now no argument that the injection of emergency taxpayer funding into the economy in the...
Sep 6, 2009 | News Clippings
New Zealanders and other foreigners are using the First Home Owner Grant scheme to buy holiday homes in Australia, the Federal Government concedes. In answer to Senate Estimates questions put to the Government by the Opposition, it was confirmed New Zealanders are...